How do you digest a 600+ page tome?

The answer: break it into a three-part series. That’s what J. R. R. Tolkein’s publishers did with Lord of the Rings, and it’s also what Kate Poitevin did with Saving Tir Gaeltacht.

For those of you who don’t know Kate or the story of how her tale evolved, here is a brief synopsis. She began the project as a short story for her grandchildren, starring her grandchildren. Over the next few years, it evolved into an epic tale in a mythical and magical Celtic land. More characters showed up over her shoulder as Kate typed the story into her computer, and more pages were needed to include these characters in the book.

I was honored to be a part of her first major fiction effort. Privileged to watch the tale unfold as she wrote it, I saw it grow day by day, month by month, and year by year until the book was finally ready for the printer.

I am happy to report – for those of you daunted by the idea of reading a book of over 600 pages, and in tiny print to boot – that Saving Tir Gaeltacht is now a three-part series. The books are available only in a select few Spokane book stores, or from Kate herself. Each of the three books in the series sells for $10.00, or you can buy all three for $25.00. Below are the thumbnails of the three books:

You may contact me, Sue Eller, at, and I’ll put you in touch with Kate.


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